Pain Relief Administered by Live Doctors and Advanced AI
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A new breed of health clinic, no GP referral. Open 7 days a week, 365 days a year for walk-in appointments.
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And additional access to over 200 clinics in London.
Create an AI health model to pinpoint risks and recommend improvements.
* This visualization offers a simplified overview of your health. Each circle represents a risk, with connected ones indicating related risks.
An assessment is a conversation, similar to one you would have in a doctor's office.
Listed in "10 Exciting Startups to Watch in 2023"
If you're unsure, select I don't know. We'll prepare follow-up questions or predict the answer.
Supports professional athletes as an official MTA partner
Get your risk score, then proceed.
Compliant with standards
Pain relief administered by live doctors and advanced AI
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Unit 1603, 16th Floor, The L.Plaza, 367-375 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong