Abe NutriGame 2022
AI-based weight-loss simulation game for professionals. 100+ health coaches, nutritionists, fitness trainers, registered dietitians from 10 countries participated in Abe NutriGame 2022!
1st place
Gennaro Capuano | United Kingdom
3rd place
Felicia Newell | Canada
2nd place
Ana Moreno | Argentina
Thank you very much for your contribution to Kindzuro AI.
We are the team of data engineers and nutrition professionals. NutriGame is designed to challenge and educate AI algorithms of Abe Health platform.

For 4 weeks the participants will be coaching a digital character called Kindzuro, who struggles to lose weight. The simulation is sped up by a factor of 4, so in one month the Game participants will be able to model a 4-month track for the digital character. The main investment from participants is its time to analyze food log and propose a weekly meal plan.
What is Abe NutriGame?
*based on Abe Health team estimation. It depends on how a specialist organizes meal plan creation process.
Kindzuro's behaviour is backed by a sophisticated algorithm which mimics a real person's reactions to changes in meal, physical activity, quality of sleep and more. Even unexpected life events such as work-related stress, relationship problems or catching a cold will be taken into account.
Who is Kindzuro?
Kindzuro's Naturopathic Nutrition Case History
Kindzuro's Habits
Here is a series of videos explaining the mechanics of the Game.
Feel free to ask questions and discuss in comments!
1. Create personalised meal plans for the digital character Kindzuro.

2. Track Kindzuro's behaviour and suggest alternative strategies in cases of inconsistencies and drawbacks (which are very natural).

3. During the game each participant will have FREE access to Abe nutrition database which contains information on 10,000+ products and across 150+ nutrients. It is a powerful tool to generate and evaluate meal plans.
How to play the Game
All participants who have made it to the end of the Game will get a personal participation Certificate.

The Wall of Fame will list top contributors.

Top 3 contributors will receive a cash prize:
Awards and Prizes
Electronic funds transfer
The Game is conducted online.

All participants have to register and comply with a non-disclosure agreement.

All submissions should be delivered in English.

Participants may not make contact with employees of Abe during the competition except the Support team.

Participants are expected to deliver all game submissions within the deadlines.

Participants are not allowed to share their account/access to Abe's Nutri database with third parties.

Participants will be ranked by two parameters: weight loss and the health score of the digital character at the end of the Game. Ranks in these two categories will be summed up to identify the winners. Additional judgements may be applied based on the quality of advice.

Health score reflects the quality of nutrition in terms of sufficient amounts of macro- and microelements. It also incorporates risks of weight loss complications.

Every participant who makes it to the end of the Game gets an e-certificate.

Top-3 winners will receive the money prizes of $2,500, $1,500, $500 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places accordingly.

The deadline to join the Game is 1 week after the start, though participants who join late will lose some points.
Game Rules
  • Health coaches dealing with weight-loss: nutritionists, dietitians, sport trainers, health coaches. We also welcome all students in these fields.

  • The competition will be conducted in English.

  • In this Game experts will compete individually.
Who can participate?